Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis
  • Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis
  • Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis
  • Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis
  • Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis
  • Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis
  • Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis
  • Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis
  • Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis
  • Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis

Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis

SKU: Dryneedling2025

kr. 1.995,00

Nye datoer for 2025 på vej!

OBS. Maks 20 deltagere pr. workshop


Dry Needling Workshop - Modul 1 Dagligpraksis - nye datoer for 2025 på vej!

Underviser Corrie Myburgh, DC, PHD and MME

About the presenter Corrie Myburgh (CM)

CM is a chiropractor who holds a PhD in Social Science Research Methods and a master’s degree in Medical Education. CM has published substantially in the area of myofascial pain management, patient recovery, qualitative research methods, interprofessional education, sports injuries and interprofessional practice.  

CM is both a practicing clinician and active researcher holding positions as associate professorship position with the university of Southern Denmark and senior researcher position at the Chiropractic Knowledge Hub. CM is the current president of the Danish sports chiropractic association.

Undervisningen består af følgende:

  • Evidens opdatering.
  • Begrundelse og brug af tilpassede dry needling.
  • Dry needling teknik og behandlingsforløb for patienter.
  • Nålebehandling af almindelige behandlingsområder.

    Vi glæder os til at se jer, der vil vide meget mere om Dry Needling.

    OBS. Maks. 20 deltagere pr. workshop

    Tilmelding skal ske på chiroform@chiroform.dk eller her.

    Pris pr. deltager kr. 1.995,-

    Pris inkluderer frokost, kaffe/te, snacks, frugt, drikkevarer, kursusmaterialer samt en "goodie bag".

    Vægt 0 kg