Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, Sixth Edition
by Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley II
The ideal ressource for learning anatomy efficiently, Moore's Essential Clinical Anatomy, combines an acclaimed, condensed, easy-to-read approach with dynamic surface anatomy and medical imaging features to help you build the clinical confidense and understanding for success from foundational science cources through clinical training and practice.
- Updated, renowned blue Clinical Boxes explore the practical applications of anatomy, and helpful icons distinguish the type of clinical information covered in each.
- New and updated surface anatomy and physical examination photos help you grasp the clinical context for key structures and skills.
- Surface Anatomy boxes with overlay illustrations enhance yor clinical and diagnostic capabilities.
- Medical Imaging boxes containing a wealth of plain an contrast radiographic, MR, CT, and ultrasonographic images provide a real-life clinical perspective that strengthens your anatomical knowledge and application.
- A thorough "overview and basic conceps" chapter equips you with the foundational understanding of systemic information, terminology and basic concepts.
- Chapter outlines and illustrated tables highlight key topics and information for efficient study.
- Online resources include multiple choice, board-style review questions that can be used to practice for cource and licensing exams, along with casdes studies and narrated animations that enrich clinical understanding.